Advantages and disadvantages television

In our times it is hard to somebody, who does not have a TV set in his house. We get almost all information from television, it is also the main source of entertainment. But televison has an equal number of opponents and supporters, but most people do not give it another thought and just watch.

Cerainly the wide variety of programs available in television is one advatage. The times, when you had only one channel to watch are gone in nothingness, now everybody can choose whatever he or she wants. Another benefit of television is the multilingualism of televison. Every civilised country has its own TV channel and that simplifies the process of studing foreign languages. Educational channels like Discovery or National Geographic are just fabulous for an open mind. Thanks to programmes like those you can get know anything from the newest car revelations or pick up something on ancient Greece. The news programmes are one of the better sides of television, becouse they let you stay in touch with the latest news.

But of course there are also many disadvantages of televison. Many experts point out the great influence of televison on children, the numerous movies and programmes with explicit content surely will not help in the correct bringing up of a child. Those experts are mainly experienced psychologists and their views should not be ignored. Another downside of televison are the terrible soap operas, which substantially reduce the amount of grey matter. Televison also spoils our imagination, we must stick to the form the director shows us, not like in books where the everything is how you see it. Televison is now becoming a very popular way of spending free time and may young poeple are addicted to it. 

So as you see the choice whether to watch televison or not is not a Hobson's choice. Both the advantages and disadvantages are quite convincing, so the choice is left to you.

nothingness - the state of not existing - nicość
multilingualism - being in many languages - wielojęzyczny
pick up sth- to get a skill, language, habit, idea or piece of information by chance rather than by deliberately trying to get it - nauczyć sięczegoś, dowiedzieć
downside - the negative side of something - zła strona
grey matter- informal your intelligence - szare komórki, inteligencja
Hobson's choice - a situation in which there is only one thing you can do - sytuacja z jednym wyjściem